Good online presence is rooted in keyword research. You have online competition. Potential buyers use particular words and phrases throughout the buying cycle.

Allow me to do  keyword research, providing you with a family of words and phrases that will help you ‘outsmart’ competitors. It’s highly likely there’s opportunity in your vertical, so let me help you seize it.


You’re excited about launching a new site, a redesign, or latest product/service but lack the in-house resources to write on-site copy that will make your customers equally thrilled.

Let’s discuss how we can capture the value of your offerings and the interest of potential buyers. Alternatively, you may need to call attention to new offerings through email campaigns or landing pages. We can talk about that too.


Your business officially has a blog! You know how beneficial it is to inform potential buyers as well as produce content for the web, yet you need a writer who can identify intriguing topics and compose an SEO-focused blog post. I will gladly do that for you!


You know that you need to publish content but struggle to maintain a schedule and come up with fresh ideas. Publishing content gains momentum as readers develop interest and expectation.

Interrupt that with a fickle and unorganized schedule, and lose readers and momentum. Let me develop an editorial calendar so you’ll know what to write and when to publish. If you need someone to write the content … I know a guy.


Your business needs a person to toot its horn, a brand ambassador. Small and mid-size businesses don’t have the benefit of mainstream attention like big business competitors.

PR agents serve as opportunists who provide guest articles, inform reporters of business news, and create a rising buzz about you. Allow me to form strategies that gain your business attention, respect, and revenue.

  • Research

    Initially, I come to understand the goals of your business and purpose of your website/blog. Next, I do keyword research to find opportunity aligned with those goals and purposes.

  • Content Development

    I will devise content informed by the keyword research. I’m agile in creating forms of content, whether it be textual, graphic, audio, visual, etc. I can help capture your brand message in the most befitting format for the context.

    Content Development

  • WordPress

    I’m experienced in using WordPress, so there’s no need to worry about implementing the content. Furthermore, I can create a blog, inform you on what categories to create/delete, aid with design/redesign, etc.

  • Analysis

    I provide ongoing analysis of published content that may involve editing, reformatting, or rethinking initial strategy, all for the benefit of your business and in achieving your goals.
